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Unit Two: Periodic classification of the Elements

Lesson 4: Periodic Properties


Less 4: Project work on the periodic table (Individual Task)


To enable the students to:


Periodic table chart

Starter activity (15 minutes)

Let the students revise the previous lessons on periodic table by raising all the contents from early attempts of classification to the trends in properties of the elements. This can be done by asking leading questions like:

Make sure that all students have participated in the revision discussion and have grasped the concepts.


Give atomic numbers of some elements and ask them to

Now you can provide the following project work.


  1. You may write the procedure on the chalk board. Let the students understand it clearly and submit their work in a week time.
  2. You may provide lists of reference books available in the library
  3. The Students may be asked to collect the information and prepare a written report of the project using the format given below of Elements For Teachers

Collect the students work, check and categorize in to three: the best, medium and poor performance (you may do it based on your convenience). You may allow one student from each category to present the group work for five minutes.

When you analyze the project and the presentation, you may encounter the following conditions.

A few students may have not been able to collect information from different sources or may have written the whole content from the text book; or students may have been motivated to search material from different sources.

A Few students may have not been able to analyze the data collected and understand the merits and demerits of different classification of elements. So, you may help the students understand the significance of classifying the element in periods and groups.

After the completion of the project, you may give the detailed information about the periodic classification of elements, involving them in the lesson, using question and answer techniques.